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Only one week left for your chance to win one of my Gun Dog related books, you don't even have to pay for shipping, but what you do need to do is create a post on Gun Dog Chat ( ) for a chance to win. The winner and book are selected randomly.
Books I still have available ... Fields of Glory by Everett M. Skehan, The Invitational Champions by John P. Russell, Bird Dog Man - The Story of W. W. Titus by William W. Titus, Gun Dog Book : A Treasury of Happy Tails by Bill Tarrant, The Pointer and His Predecessors by William Arkwright and Bird Dogs and Field Trials by Jack Harper.
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This weeks featured short story is by Tom Word with artwork contributed by Leah Brigham. Tom's story is called A Dread Problem and a Solution, and you can read it on Gundog Central using this link :
About Tom Word: Tom Word is a lawyer who represents individuals about managing their assets and for amusement writes fiction and non-fiction about bird dogs and humans obsessed with them.
About Leah Brigham : After graduating from Millersville University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelors of Science in Art Education, Leah began teaching Art to inner city Middle School students in Houston and later Dallas, TX. Leah has shared with her students her passion for art and nature. This passion has sustained her and continued throughout her life in the form of painting and drawing.
Leah was introduced to American Field Horseback Field Trails and has been able to experience the excitement of seeing her own dog, competing for the National Championship at Ames Plantation in Grand Junction, TN ...standing on point, head and tail held high. This has inspired her to create works of art depicting dogs and the wildlife associated with the sport and hunting.
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This week on Gundog Central we pay tribute to a gun dog legend, Robert Milner, with this memorial piece written by Tom Keer. You can read Tom's tribute here :
About Tom: Tom Keer owns The Keer Group, an outdoor marketing company which works perfectly with his freelance writing career. He casts his four English setters in Northeast upland coverts and Southern quail fields with fortunate regularity. Hes been lucky to be surrounded by people and dogs that are much smarter than him. Visit him at or at
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This weeks featured article is from Danny Bardwell with artwork from Kate Hall. Danny short stories is called “Twice Bitten” and you can read it on Gundog Central using this link :
About Danny : Danny Bardwell is a construction superintendent who builds large commercial buildings in the Baton Rouge / New Orleans area. For peace of mind and escape from the stress of building, Danny raises and trains pointers with his thirteen year old grandson, Lane.
Danny is a story teller at heart, and often when relaxing he is inspired by some little event or phrase. Lane appears in most of Danny's stories. His stories have appeared in local publication as well as national circulations such as Sporting Classics Magazine.
About Kate : Kate Hall is an outdoor artist who resides on an Angus cattle farm in Tennessee, where she began hunting at an early age. During her 13 years as a flight attendant, Kate visited 27 countries and all 50 states. She now spends her time traveling across the country in search of rising trout and upland birds with her husband and their English Setter. In his first two seasons they hunted on public lands in MT, KS, SC, AL, NC, KY and TN for quail, ruffed grouse, sharptail grouse, woodcock, pheasant, prairie chickens, and hungarian partridge. Upland hunting has enriched Kate's life and influences much of her colored pencil work.
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Since I was on vacation last week and didn't get around to posting an article, here is a bonus short story this week from Tom Word with artwork contributed by Kate Hall. This bonus short story is called Holes and Rules and you can check it out on Gundog Central using this link :
About Tom Word: Tom Word is a lawyer who represents individuals about managing their assets and for amusement writes fiction and non-fiction about bird dogs and humans obsessed with them. He has written several books that are available on his website
About Kate Hall : Kate Hall is an outdoor artist who resides on an Angus cattle farm in Tennessee, where she began hunting at an early age. During her 13 years as a flight attendant, Kate visited 27 countries and all 50 states. She now spends her time traveling across the country in search of rising trout and upland birds with her husband and their English Setter. In his first two seasons they hunted on public lands in MT, KS, SC, AL, NC, KY and TN for quail, ruffed grouse, sharptail grouse, woodcock, pheasant, prairie chickens, and hungarian partridge. Upland hunting has enriched Kate's life and influences much of her colored pencil work.
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This weeks featured short story is by Tom Word with artwork contributed by Leah Brigham. Tom's story is called Spring Shuffle Delayed and you can read it on Gundog Central using this link :
About Tom Word: Tom Word is a lawyer who represents individuals about managing their assets and for amusement writes fiction and non-fiction about bird dogs and humans obsessed with them.
About Leah Brigham : After graduating from Millersville University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelors of Science in Art Education, Leah began teaching Art to inner city Middle School students in Houston and later Dallas, TX. Leah has shared with her students her passion for art and nature. This passion has sustained her and continued throughout her life in the form of painting and drawing.
Leah was introduced to American Field Horseback Field Trails and has been able to experience the excitement of seeing her own dog, competing for the National Championship at Ames Plantation in Grand Junction, TN ...standing on point, head and tail held high. This has inspired her to create works of art depicting dogs and the wildlife associated with the sport and hunting.
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Congratulations to John Lewis and Mel Lueck on winning last month Gun Dog Chat Gun Dog Book giveaway contest. @johnl won a copy of “Bird Dog Man - The Story of W. W. Titus” by William W. Titus while @mellueck won “The Invitational Champions “ by John P. Russell.
Don’t miss your change to win one of my Gun Dog related books for the month of August. To enter the contest, you only need to make one ( Gun Dog Related ) post on Gun Dog Chat ( The book and shipping are free!!
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Saw a big one yesterday
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Holy cow!!
Back in our happy place🐾🐾💞
Working dogs in ND
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Looks like fun!!
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