Welcome to Gun Dog Chat

Welcome to Gun Dog Chat. A social media style website dedicated to your hunting dogs. I started this site after being banned from numerous other social media sites for sharing hunting dog related content. I welcome you to share your hunting stories, your photos and videos or promote your own Gun Dog related business, without fear of been banned because your post goes against “community guidelines”. If it's related to bird dogs, coon dogs, rabbit dogs or squirrel dogs, you can share it here on Gun Dog Chat. We want to see your dogs, your kills and your recipes ... just not your babies, beaches or bikinis.

Please keep all post on topic, hunting dog related stuff ONLY. We want to provide a good, clean enviroment that future hunters can enjoy, so please avoid foul, derogatory language. You can view the public feed here, you just won't be able to interact with any post until you create an account. If you don't have an account, you can create one here : Create an account

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